29 - Your Greatest Problem (Luke 11:37-54)

Jesus promises that all who surrender their heart to him will be washed and made clean. 

  1. The Pharisees and the Lawyers

    1. The Pharisees and Holy Living (vv. 37-39)

    2. The Lawyers and Rule Keeping (vv. 46-47)

    3. When the Solution is Worse than the Problem (vv. 42-45, 48-54)

  2. What Really Matters

    1. What Dishes (and the Law) Can Teach You (vv. 39-40, 46)

    2. Baptize Your Hearts (v. 41)

    3. Washed in the Blood

Discussion Starters

  1. Monday—What do people typically identify as their greatest problem? Something inside or outside? What is your greatest problem?

  2. Tuesday—Who were the Pharisees? What did they see as Israel’s greatest need? Did their solution help or hurt? What are parallels in today’s world?

  3. Wednesday—Who were the lawyers? What did they see as Israel’s greatest need? Did their solution help or hurt? What are parallels in today’s world?

  4. Thursday—What is more important—the outside or the inside? What does that mean God is most concerned about with you?

  5. Friday—What does it mean to offer your heart to God? Is this something you can do halfway? Is there any other way to peace with God?