When Grace Smells Fishy (Jonah 2:1-10; Matthew 1:18-25)


JONAH 2:1-10

MATTHEW 1:18-25

We experience God’s grace most deeply in our distress.

I. DISTRESS (2:1-4)

A. Place of Trouble (2:1-2; cf. Jonah 1:6)

B. Cast into the Deep (2:3-4; cf. Jonah 1:3, Job 2:10, Genesis 3:24)

C. Psalms under Water (2:1-10; cf. Psalm 3:8, 18:6, 31:6, 22, 42:7, 69:1, 147:3)

II. DELIVERY (2:5-7)

A. Life from the Pit (2:5-6; cf. James 4:6)

B. Remembering the LORD (2:7; cf. Psalm 107:4-5, 142:4)

III. DEVOTION (2:8-10)

A. Leaving Idols (2:8; cf. Joshua 24:16-17)

B. Turning to God (2:9a; cf. Jonah 1:16, Psalm 22:22, 76:11)

C. The Word of Salvation (2:9b-10; cf. Matthew 1:21-25)

D. A Table of Salvation


1. Monday—What causes distress in your life? How do you deal with it? How does the world deal with it?

2. Tuesday—Where does Jonah’s prayer take place? Jonah says that his prayer has reached God, even from that place. What does that say about the God we pray to? Who does Jonah attribute his distress to? Why is that a difficult truth for us to receive?

3. Wednesday—Where do Jonah’s words in the deep come from? Discuss how spending time in the Bible helps us prepare for times of distress.

4. Thursday—How does Jonah respond to the LORD’s deliverance? What 2 things does he say he will do?

5. Friday—Discuss why it’s so hard for us to accept the idea that the place of our distress is often where we find God’s grace. Reflect on this idea and the cross of Jesus?